Wed. May 8th, 2024

Welcome message from the Chaplain

Rev. Dr. Boniface Kariuki Chaplain
Rev. Dr. Boniface Kariuki Chaplain

The Kenyatta University Catholic Community (KUCC) is one of the Chaplaincies at the great university of our times – KU. The KU management in her wisdom has invested and appointed chaplains to support the academic, moral, social, emotional and spiritual formation of the students.

At Kenyatta University the management ensures that the learners as they sojourn in their academic  track receive a holistic formation. The chaplaincies are domiciled at the Directorate of Student Affairs. KU has four full time chaplains who equip the students and staff with moral and ethical values based on their faith. We have the Seventh Day Adventists, the Protestant, the Muslim and the Catholic Chaplain. The chaplaincy as explained by Alan T. Baker is a “ministry of presence”: providing, facilitating, caring, and advising.”

The four chaplains work together and seek  to motivate and initiate meaningful collaboration in their beliefs and attitudes as we assist the students. The chaplain’s role is therefore, supportive, serving as a counsellor and guide to the psycho-spiritual needs of the students.


Some of these services and activities include guidance, conducting religious ceremonies, conducting regular worship services, hosting seminars and workshops, and coordinating religious activities at the University. We also assist the students in welfare issues: such as providing food, clothing, tuition fees just to mention a few.


At the Catholic Chaplaincy under the patronage of “Christ the Teacher” we have the celebration of daily Mass in our magnificent Church, thanks to my predecessors the MaryKnoll Fathers. The students are taken through catechism classes to prepare them for any sacraments they may not have received. The learners are given counsel and guided to be better persons as they exploit their talents in a Christian atmosphere.


The Pastoral Council led by the Executive team plan activities for the entire academic year to make the chaplaincy vibrant. The students are encouraged to belong to the Small Christian Communities (SCC) and groups where they participate in prayers, worship, charity work, workshops, team building, retreats, African Sunday & talent show pageants, games, and Christmas carols among others.


At KUCC, we are one family and are guided by #form ni kubelong, na kubelong ni kuparticipate. The participation in the weekly SCC meetings rejuvenates our members. The celebration of the sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist renews the faith and love of our members. The prayers of the rosary at the grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary enhances our Marian devotion.


I warmly welcome all the students, alumni and the non-student parishioners to come worship with us at Christ the Teacher Chaplaincy.



Fr. Dr. Boniface Kariuki
