Mon. Jan 20th, 2025


Isaiah 35:4-7, Psalm 146:6-10, James 2:1-5, Mark 7:31-37

Recently in the month of September date 5th 2021, the Chaplaincy held the leader’s mass commonly known as the elder’s mass. It’s one of the events in the KUCC calendar where elders are being recognized and awarded as a way of appreciating their good work during their stay in KUCC and also wishing them well as they leave campus and go into the real world.

The mass was celebrated by two priests, Fr. Mumo (the main celebrant) and Fr. Kariuki and was being streamed live in the archdiocese of Nairobi website.

The readings talked about the saving power of God. We saw the eyes of the blind man opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Fr. Mumo reminded faithfuls to find healing from our Lord Jesus Christ. The elders were being reminded about the importance of remaining attached to Christ even as they walk out of the university because challenges out there are too much and its only Christ who can take them through.

Finishing campus life is simply a start of new life, people start establishing their lives, living their dream lives career wise and vocation wise thus the need to invite Christ to journey with them.

Thereafter the elders were given special blessings and awarded prayer books, a reminder for them to remain prayerful and strong in faith. A cake was also cut and shared among the parishioners as a way of celebrating the elders. This was a critical moment for some of us because we will miss the elders as they go out while to them, it was a happy moment since it marked an end of the university life and the beginning of another.

By Mercy Mbembe

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